By creating an account you can make shop faster and use the services that AFcoltellerie offers its customers: the points program AF_Fidelity and Wishlist.

What AF Fidelity

AFcoltellerie rewards your loyalty with the new points program AF_Fidelity.
1 euro spent on corresponds to 1 point AF_Fidelity.
When you reach the points threshold necessary you will be entitled to a discount on your next purchase, not valid with any other discount codes you have.
The more points you collect the higher your discount!

  • 100 points = Discount del 2%
  • 200 points = Discount del 3%
  • 300 points = Discount del 4%
  • 500 points = Discount del 5%
  • 1500 points = Discount del 10%

What is Wishlist

AFcoltellerie offers you Wishlist: a space in which to save the items you wish to purchase.
You can choose quietly the products of your interest, save them in Wishlist and even buy them at a later time.
Just sign up, upload your shopping cart by pressing the button of Wishlist and store all the products you want to purchase.
When you want you can turn your list into a definitive order, loading it in the Cart Purchasing and completing the order with the target data and payment.
Simple, convenient, "the list of your desires" on AFcoltellerie.